Blind Peer Review

1. Reception of the Manuscript:

The process begins when authors send their manuscripts to the UPDEX Editorial Fund, using our online system or by email. At this initial stage, a unique identifier is assigned to the manuscript, thus ensuring the confidentiality and anonymity of the authors during the initial stages of the review process.

2. Preliminary Evaluation:

A crucial step is the preliminary evaluation carried out by the Editor-in-Chief. This phase ensures that the manuscript meets the editorial and formatting guidelines established by the Editorial Fund. During this stage, the identity of the authors is kept strictly confidential to avoid bias in the evaluation.

3. Assignment to Reviewers:

The Editor-in-Chief, based on his experience and knowledge of the field, selects expert reviewers on the topic addressed in the manuscript. The identity of the authors remains unknown to the reviewers at this stage, ensuring a fair and objective review.

4. Blind Peer Review:

The reviewers, experts in the field, evaluate the manuscript without knowing the identity of the authors. This approach eliminates any potential bias and allows the review to focus solely on the scientific quality of the work. Reviewers provide detailed comments on originality, methodology, clarity, relevance, and contribution to the field.

5. Review Report:

Following review, reviewers send detailed reports to the Editor-in-Chief, highlighting the manuscript's strengths and areas for improvement. The identity of the reviewers and authors remains confidential during this process. These reports serve as a basis for making informed editorial decisions.

6. Communication with Authors:

If revisions and adjustments are required, the Editor-in-Chief anonymously communicates the reviewers' comments to the authors. The authors respond and revise the manuscript according to the suggestions received, thus contributing to the collaborative process of continuous improvement.

7. Editorial Decision:

Finally, the Editor-in-Chief makes the final editorial decision based on the review reports and the overall contribution of the manuscript. The identity of the authors and reviewers remains confidential at this point. The editorial decision is communicated to the authors transparently, providing additional information if necessary.

This meticulous blind peer review process at the UPDEX Editorial Fund ensures fairness, impartiality and quality at every stage. We value transparency and a commitment to academic excellence, and our rigorous approach is reflected in the careful implementation of this review process.