Rules for Authors

1. Submission of Proposals:
    - All book proposals must be sent to the Editorial Committee via email
    - The proposal must include an executive summary, objective of the book, theoretical framework, methodology (if applicable) and a brief description of the target audience.

2. Originality and Uneditedness:
    - Submitted works are required to be completely original and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
    - Authors must make an explicit statement as to whether the material has been previously published or is being considered on another platform.

3. Structure of the Manuscript:
    - Manuscripts must follow formatting guidelines according to APA 7th edition style, including style, margins, font, and spacing.
    - A detailed index, summary, keywords and acknowledgments (if applicable) must be provided.
    - Authors should use headings and subheadings to clearly organize the content of the book.

4. Quotes and References:
    - Authors are expected to use the APA 7th edition citation and referencing format consistently throughout the manuscript.
    - All sources, including images, graphics and textual quotes, must be properly attributed and referenced.

5. Peer Review Process:
    - All manuscripts will undergo a rigorous peer review process to evaluate academic quality, originality and relevance.
    - Authors must be willing to make revisions suggested by reviewers and respond to their comments constructively.

6. Copyright and License:
    - Upon acceptance for publication, authors must transfer copyright to the UPDEX Development Editorial Fund.
    - All published content will be governed by a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0), allowing redistribution, remixing, adaptation and commercial use with proper attribution.

7. Ethics and Plagiarism:
    - Authors are expected to follow ethical principles and avoid plagiarism in all its forms.
    - The Editorial Fund will carry out investigations in cases of possible ethical violations or plagiarism.

8. Final Presentation:
    - Authors must present the final manuscript following the instructions provided by the Editorial Fund and in accordance with APA 7th edition standards.
    - The presentation should include a brief biography of the author and any additional relevant information.

Additionally, the authors are reminded that the maximum similarity percentage allowed is 15%. Your collaboration and commitment to academic quality is appreciated. Any query or submission of proposals must be made exclusively to the email